Kaitlyn's Creation Station

The Beauty of Learning Something New...

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Catching Up and Connections

This past week I have been preparing for my music midterm which involves me having three posts and one video regarding my learning progress up on my site! I luckily had decided to do my inquiry project for tech on… Continue Reading →

EdCamp foundation

Education at this time in our society is becoming more and more inquiry based. Teachers are guiding and allowing their students to explore topics of their interest and create projects based off of that in order to represent their learning…. Continue Reading →

Ukulele frustrations

If I am being totally honest, this week I have been overly frustrated with learning and practicing the ukulele. I found myself lacking motivation and feeling annoyed with the thought of picking up the ukulele and attempting to play. I… Continue Reading →

Educational videos

This week in class we mainly focused on all of the different aspects that correlate with educational videos. I found this class to be very interesting and important, as I remember learning quite a bit from educational videos throughout my… Continue Reading →

How to Level-Up Your Online Posts

This week in class we covered most things regarding digital/photo design and editing. We started off the class by going into breakout rooms and presenting our thoughts on cellphones in the classroom. Whether it is detrimental to learning, or it… Continue Reading →

Ukulele Progress

This week I set my mind to learning the chords required to play Row, Row, Row Your Boat and The Canoe Song. I used the site https://musicplayonline.com to understand the basics of the ukulele. I learned how to properly hold the… Continue Reading →

Starting Off

This week I slowly started my journey of learning the ukulele. I decided that for my first step I needed to learn how to read and write out music sheets. We covered music sheets, and simple counting in our EDCI… Continue Reading →

Technology In The Classroom

This week in class we were very lucky to have the opportunity to hear from a guest speaker. Jesse Miller visited our online lecture to present to us future educators the problems that can be associated with technology in the… Continue Reading →

Trying Something New

Okay, so recently in my music course I was challenged to learn a new instrument and over 10 hours this term I must practice and track my progress. I decided that since I own a ukulele and haven’t given it… Continue Reading →

All About Copyright….

This week in class we reviewed the topic of copyright, what it means, and how to prevent using copyrighted material in our future classrooms or projects. In the attempt to avoid any misuse of material, we talked about utilizing the… Continue Reading →

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